2484 Sqn Staff Team
All of our adult staff are volunteers who have training and skills they can pass on to the cadets and use to develop the squadron, most are even ex-cadets themselves! All our staff are fully trained and qualified in the activities they run, and all are strictly checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service, along with internal security checks.
Uniformed Staff

Flt Lt Kelly
Flight Lieutenant Adam Kelly is the squadron’s Commanding Officer. He is responsible for the general running of the squadron and the welfare of cadets.

APO West
Acting Pilot Officer Josh West is the squadron’s training officer, He is responsible for organising the training program and liaising with the cadet SNCO team regarding activities.

WO Buckle
Warrant Officer Nick Buckle is the squadron SNCO. He is responsible for the squadron’s drill and discipline. He also manages the cadet NCO team and ensures standards are maintained.

Sgt Tyrrell-Thompson
Sergeant Tyrrell-Thompson supports WO Buckle as the squadron’s deputy for drill and discipline along with being our primary instructor for the shooting syllabus.

Sgt Banks
Sergeant Lorraine Banks is the uniform stores IC and is the main instructor for First Aid on the squadron, she also supports WO Buckle and Sgt Tyrrell-Thompson with drill and discipline.
Civilian Instructors

CI Kelly
Civilian Instructor Susan Kelly is the squadron adjutant. As adjutant, she is responsible for all official correspondence, records, reports, and the preparation and distribution of activities. She is also the squadron’s DofE Officer.

CI Hone
Civilian Instructor Bethan Hone is the deputy squadron adjutant and assists CI Kelly with the management of the squadron records and other general admin tasks.

CI Brangwyn
Civilian Instructor Ryely Brangwyn is the Training Officer for our Phase 1 cadets and is responsible for recruitment, planning training, and activities for our new intakes. He is also the squadron’s BTEC Officer.

Mrs Sims
Mrs Sims is our Civilian Committee Chair. The Civilian Committee manages the squadrons finances, assists the squadrons CO, raises funds and ensures the squadron maintains direction.

CI Hammond
Civilian Instructor Paul Hammond is the squadrons Logistics Officer and part of the squadrons training team. He is also part of the squadron STEM team.

CI Stapleton
Civilian Instructor Ken Stapleton is part of the squadrons training team and is the main instructor for Map Reading and Navigation Skills.

CI Pigott
Civilian Instructor Tom Pigott manages the squadron’s online learning system and assists with the squadron’s IT systems.

CI Meldrum
Civilian Instructor Adam Meldrum is part of the squadrons training team and is mainly focused on the squadrons aviation subjects, including training cadets on the flight sim.

CI Warner
Civilian Instructor Martin Warner is part of the squadrons training team and mainly teaches propulsion related subjects (Piston and Jet).
Cadet NCO Team

Corporal is the first NCO rank a cadet achieves. Corporals are responsible for the supervision and mentoring of cadets from their uniform through to all aspects of cadet training. Corporals will have completed most aspects of the training syllabus.
Our Current Corporals
Cpl Banks
Cpl Brown
Cpl Davies
Cpl Drage
Cpl Durgut
Cpl Gurung
Cpl Heal
Cpl Moore
Cpl Yelton

Sergeants are responsible for organising and mentoring the JNCO’s, and improving their leadership, whilst also mentoring cadets. SNCO’s are trusted by the squadron staff to assist in the planning and execution of the training programme.
Our Current Sergeants
Sgt Alfad
Sgt Hammond
Sgt Rustean
Sgt Sapsford

Flight Sergeant
Flight Sergeants are responsible for overall discipline on the squadron and assist staff in the smooth running of the squadron including admin. They will be responsible for mentoring and ongoing development for the Sergeants and Corporals.
Our Current Flight Sergeants
FS Parry
FS Rowlands
FS Sims

Cadet Warrant Officer
This is the highest rank a cadet can achieve and they are expected to have exemplary performance throughout their cadet career. Certain courses and training have to be completed.
This is the only rank that is wing appointed.
Our Current Cadet Warrant Offices
CWO Ellis
Our Current Corporals
Cpl Banks
Cpl Brown
Cpl Davies
Cpl Drage
Cpl Durgut
Cpl Gurung
Cpl Heal
Cpl Moore
Cpl Yelton
Our Current Sergeants
Sgt Alfad
Sgt Hammond
Sgt Rustean
Sgt Sapsford
Our Current Flight Sergeants
FS Parry
FS Rowlands
FS Sims
Our Current Cadet Warrant Offices
CWO Ellis